Environmental enrichment improves cognitive flexibility in rainbow trout in a visual discrimination task: first insights
Publication/Journal: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
A multivariate analysis using physiology and behavior to characterize robustness in two isogenic lines of rainbow trout exposed to a confinement stress
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: adaptation, aggressiveness, cortisol, stress
Welfare assessment of rainbow trout reared in a Recirculating Aquaculture System: Comparison with a Flow-Through System
Publication/Journal: Aquaculture
Keywords: rainbow-trout, recirculating aquaculture system, stress, swimming behavior, welfare
Influence of housing and social changes on growth, behaviour and cortisol in piglets at weaning
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: behaviour, cortisol, piglet, saliva, stress, weaning, welfare
Influence of rearing conditions of pullets on space use and performance of hens placed in aviaries at the beginning of the laying period
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: adaptation, early experience, housing system, laying hen, nests use, spatial distribution
Positive attitudes of farmers and pen-group conservation reduce adverse reactions of bulls during transfer for slaughter
Publication/Journal: animal
Keywords: carcass ph, farmer’s behaviour, finishing bulls, loading, mixing