Aggressive encounters lead to negative affective state in fish
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: affective state, aggression, fish welfare
Cognitive bias, hand preference and welfare of common marmosets
Publication/Journal: Behavioural Brain Research
Keywords: *cognitive bias, ambiguous stimulus, common marmoset, hand preference, hemispheric dominance, welfare
Play behavior as an indicator of animal welfare: Disbudding in dairy calves
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, cattle, dairy calf, disbudding, pain, play-behavior
Left–Right Asymmetries of Behaviour and Nervous System in Invertebrates
Publication/Journal: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
Keywords: brain asymmetry, brain lateralization, evolution of lateralization, invertebrates, laterality, lateralization of behaviour
Stress and stress reduction in common marmosets
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, behaviour, captive primates, marmoset, salivary cortisol
Milk composition in free-ranging polar bears (Ursus maritimus) as a model for captive rearing milk formula
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: amino acids bears, fatty acids hand-rearing, lactation, maternal milk, vitamin a, vitamin d, vitamin e
Relevance of brain and behavioural lateralization to animal welfare
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: *cognitive bias, development, experience, hemispheric specialization, limb preference, stress
Effects of local anesthetic and a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug on pain responses of dairy calves to hot-iron dehorning
Publication/Journal: Journal of Dairy Science
Keywords: analgesia, dairy calf, hot-iron dehorning, local anesthetic
Taurine and zoo felids: considerations of dietary and biological tissue concentrations
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: amino acid, felidae, nutrition, protein
Mobbing vocalizations as a coping response in the common marmoset
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: cortisol, marmoset, stress, vocalizations