Beyond aggression: Androgen-receptor blockade modulates social interaction in wild meerkats
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: aggression, antiandrogen, behavioral neuroendocrinology, communication, cooperative breeder, field experiment, flutamide, prosocial behavior, subordinate male, testosterone
Faking it: deliberately altered voice pitch and vocal attractiveness
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: functional honesty, honest signal, vocal attractiveness, vocal dominance, voice pitch
Population Genetics of the Washington National Primate Research Center’s (WaNPRC) Captive Pigtailed Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Population
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: captive populations, closed colony, genetic management, population genetic structure
Lessons in Primate Heat Tolerance: A Commentary Based on the “Human Zoo” Experience
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: heat tolerance, primate