The Link Between Personality, Subjective Well-being, and Welfare in Zoo-Housed Sulawesi Crested Macaques (Macaca nigra)
Publication/Journal: International Journal of Primatology
Keywords: behaviour, dominance, macaca nigra, personality, subjective well-being, Sulawesi crested macaques, welfare
The Link Between Personality, Subjective Well-being, and Welfare in Zoo-Housed Sulawesi Crested Macaques (Macaca nigra)
Publication/Journal: International Journal of Primatology
Multi-sensor biologgers and innovative training allow data collection with high conservation and welfare value in zoos
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: behaviour, biologging, captivity, daily diary, dead-reckoning, enrichment, space use, welfare
Use of Blood Lactate in Assessment of Manual Capture Techniques of Zoo-Housed Crocodilians
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: captivity, physiology, reptile, restraint, welfare, wellbeing
Using social network analysis to inform on the process of one‐male‐unit formation of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) in captivity
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: captivity, hamadryas baboon, social network
Equid Assessment, Research and Scoping (EARS): The Development and Implementation of a New Equid Welfare Assessment and Monitoring Tool
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal-based indicators, equid, equid welfare, evidence-based practice, one health, welfare assessment
Status of animal welfare research in zoos and aquariums: Where are we, where to next?
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal welfare, aquariums, research, zoos
Change in stingray behaviour and social networks in response to the scheduling of husbandry events
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: aggression, positive reinforcement training, predictability, social network analysis, stingray, welfare
Consequences Matter: Compassion in Conservation Means Caring for Individuals, Populations and Species
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: compassion, consequentialism, ethics, virtue
Exploring the early social affiliations and behaviour of a captive Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) calf
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: ethogram, herd behaviour, social bonds, social development