The ethical assessment of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in wildlife conservation
Publication/Journal: Biological Conservation
Keywords: animal welfare, assisted reproductive technologies (art), biodiversity conservation, conservation ethics, Ethical assessment, research ethics
Welfare and Clinical Assessment on Physical Captures Followed by Anesthesia in Apennine Chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: acepromazine, blood gas analysis, capture, chemical immobilization, conservation, medetomidine-ketamine, physical capture, Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata, stress
An Ethical Assessment Tool (ETHAS) to Evaluate the Application of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Mammals’ Conservation: The Case of the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, assisted reproductive technologies, conservation ethics, ethical review process, ethical risk assessment, ethical self-assessment, northern white rhinoceros
Evaluation of an enrichment programme for a colony of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in a rescue centre
Publication/Journal: Primates
Keywords: behavior, cortisol, enrichment, macaca fascicularis, welfare
Influence of morning maternal care on the behavioural responses of 8-week-old Beagle puppies to new environmental and social stimuli
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behaviour, dog, licking, maternal care, nursing, puppy
Rewinding the process of mammalian extinction
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: assisted reproductive technologies (art), biodiversity, conservation, endangered species, gametes, induced pluripotent stem cells (ipscs), public awareness, rhinoceros