The ethical assessment of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in wildlife conservation
Publication/Journal: Biological Conservation
Keywords: animal welfare, assisted reproductive technologies (art), biodiversity conservation, conservation ethics, Ethical assessment, research ethics
An Ethical Assessment Tool (ETHAS) to Evaluate the Application of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Mammals’ Conservation: The Case of the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, assisted reproductive technologies, conservation ethics, ethical review process, ethical risk assessment, ethical self-assessment, northern white rhinoceros
Assessing the Preference of Rabbit Does to Social Contact or Seclusion: Results of Different Investigations
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: group housing, motivational cage, preference test, rabbit does, social contact
Rewinding the process of mammalian extinction
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: assisted reproductive technologies (art), biodiversity, conservation, endangered species, gametes, induced pluripotent stem cells (ipscs), public awareness, rhinoceros