Getting It Straight: Accommodating Rectilinear Behavior in Captive Snakes—A Review of Recommendations and Their Evidence Base
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: body posture, enclosure size, literature review, reptile husbandry, space
Rabbit relinquishment through online classified advertisements in the United Kingdom: when, why, and how many?
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: online advertisements, rabbit, relinquishment
Determination of swine euthanasia criteria and analysis of barriers to euthanasia in the United States using expert opinion
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, decision-making, education, euthanasia, swine, timeliness
Captive-breeding of captive and wild-reared Gunnison sage-grouse
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: captive flock, centrocercus minimus, conservation-reliant, founder flock
The efficacy of sex-chromosomal markers in studies of Cercopithecus hybridization: Discovery of a captive hybrid and applications in wild populations
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: guenons, single nucleotide polymorphisms, tspy, x-chromosome, xq13.3, y-chromosome
Reproduction, social behaviour and captive husbandry in the eastern grass owl (Tyto longimembris)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal husbandry, owl
Captive-rearing of Gunnison sage-grouse from egg collection to adulthood to foster proactive conservation and recovery of a conservation-reliant species
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: artificial incubation, bacterial infection, captive population, centrocercus minimus, galliformes husbandry, wild and captive produced egg collection and hatch
If You Knew What Was Good For You! The Value of Environmental Enrichments With Known Welfare Benefits Is Not Demonstrated by Sows Using Operant Techniques
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: animal welfare, environmental enrichments, operant techniques, sows
Interspecific Infanticide and Infant-Directed Aggression by Spider Monkeys (Ateles hybridus) in a Fragmented Forest in Colombia
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: ateles, infanticide, interspecific aggression, pathological behaviors, resource competition
Male and Female Aggression: Lessons from Sex, Rank, Age, and Injury in Olive Baboons
Publication/Journal: Behavioral Ecology
Keywords: competition, injury, life history, olive baboon, papio anubis, rank