Automatic detection of stereotypical behaviors of captive wild animals based on surveillance videos of zoos and animal reserves
Publication/Journal: Ecological Informatics
Keywords: animal tracking, animal welfare, captive animal, Motion trajectory, Siamese network, stereotypical behavior
Benchmarking Giant Panda Welfare in Tourism: A Co-Design Approach for Animals, Tourists, Managers, and Researchers
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, benchmark, co-design, giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), tourism, visitor comments
Enhancing Visitor–Animal Interactions in the Modern Zoo: A Designer’s Perspective
Publication/Journal: Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice
Keywords: animal-visitor interaction, avi, habitat design
Enriched social environment affects the utterance of acoustic signals of captive François’ langurs
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, social enrichment, vocal communication, vocal repertoire
Further Than Fur: Effects of Sex, Body Site, and Season on Hair Color and Hair Cortisol Concentration in Captive Addax nasomaculatus Antelopes
Publication/Journal: Ruminants
Keywords: animal welfare, ex situ conservation, ruminant, stress, thermoregulation
Global Overview of Environmental Enrichment Studies: What Has Been Done and Future Directions
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal management, animal welfare, animals under human care, captive environment
Animal welfare research is fascinating, ethical, and useful—but how can it be more rigorous?
Publication/Journal: BMC Biology
Keywords: animal welfare, evidence-based animal care, welfare science
Are Dolphins Kept in Impoverished Environments?
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, captivity, cetacea, cognitive enrichment, dolphins, impoverishment
Beyond the Five Freedoms: Animal Welfare at Modern Zoological Facilities
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare committee, animal welfare monitoring, animal welfare program, program framework, staff training
By Bits and Pieces: The Contributions of Zoos and Aquariums to Science and Society via Biomaterials
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: education, genetics, health, microbiome, physiology, research, students