The Brain, Unconsciousness and Death: A Critical Appraisal with Regard to Halal Meat Production
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, bleeding-out, consciousness, death, halal slaughter, unconsciousness
The compatibility of modern slaughter techniques with halal slaughter: a review of the aspects of ‘modern’ slaughter methods that divide scholarly opinion within the Muslim community
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, bleeding-out, halal slaughter, mechanical slaughter, pre-slaughter stunning, thoracic sticking
Fit for transport? Broiler chicken fitness assessment for transportation to slaughter
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, animal-based welfare measure, broiler chicken, fitness-for-transport assessment, physiological stress, pre-slaughter phase
Behavioural, brain and cardiac responses to hypobaric hypoxia in broiler chickens
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: animal welfare, behaviour, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, hypobaric hypoxia, low atmosphere pressure stunning
Effects of analgesic intervention on behavioural responses to Low Atmospheric Pressure Stunning
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, broiler, humane slaughter, hypobaric hypoxia, low atmosphere pressure stunning, pain
Reducing the effect of pre-slaughter fasting on the stress response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
The stunning and slaughter of cattle within the EU: a review of the current situation with regard to the halal market
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, cattle, halal, reversible stunning, slaughter, stunning
Animal welfare towards sustainability in pork meat production
Publication/Journal: Meat Science
Keywords: animal welfare, farm, meat production, pigs, slaughter, sustainability, transport
Effects of catching and transportation versus pre-slaughter handling at the abattoir on the prevalence of wing fractures in broilers
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, broiler, catching, pre-slaughter handling, transport, wing fractures
Sound levels above 85dB pre-slaughter influence pork quality
Publication/Journal: Meat Science
Keywords: meat quality, ph, pig, pre-slaughter stress, sound levels