Choice-based severity scale (CSS): assessing the relative severity of procedures from a laboratory animal’s perspective
Publication/Journal: PeerJ
Keywords: animal behavior, neuroscience, veterinary medicine, zoology
A Comparative Multi-Zoo Survey Investigating the Housing and Husbandry of Callimico goeldii
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: callitrichid, captive management, enclosure complexity, goeldi's monkey, welfare
Food preferences and nutrient composition in captive Southern brown howler monkeys, Alouatta guariba clamitans
Publication/Journal: Primates
Keywords: alouatta, alouatta guariba clamitans, animals, correlational analysis, female, food preference, haplorhini, humans, male, nutrient composition, nutrients, Southern brown howler monkey
The impact of care on chimpanzee welfare: A comprehensive review
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal wellbeing, colony management, enrichment, human-animal relations, social housing
The Impact of Care on Chimpanzee Welfare: A Comprehensive Review
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal wellbeing, colony management, enrichment, human-animal relations, social housing
Prosocial or photo preferences? Gorillas’ prosocial choices using a touchscreen
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: gorilla gorilla gorilla, photo preference, prosocial choices, western lowland gorillas
Specifically unspecific–Simple devices as feasible and effective enrichment for small mammals
Publication/Journal: Animal Behavior and Cognition
Keywords: animal husbandry, animal welfare, behavioral enrichment, Multi-species approach, stereotypy, zoo
What Types of Animals Should Be in the Future Zoo? Thoughts from United States Residents and Zoo and Aquarium Staff
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: collection, conservation, domesticated, education, endangered, exhibit, mission, popular, preference, recreation
Whole versus chopped food: the bintu-right way to do it?
Publication/Journal: Discover Animals
Keywords: arctictis binturong, carnivora, chopped food, food particle size, wildlife park, zoo
Contrafreeloading Indicating the Behavioural Need to Forage in Healthy and Feather Damaging Grey Parrots
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: enrichment, feather damaging behaviour, feather picking, feather plucking, foraging, psittacine, psittacus erithacus