Personality in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus): Temporal stability and methods of assessment
Publication/Journal: Personality and Individual Differences
Keywords: elephant, personality, scale, TIPI, welfare
Assessing Giraffe Welfare During Seasonal Habitat Changes in Northern US Zoos
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal behavior, animal welfare, enclosure, fecal glucocorticoid metabolites, giraffe, recumbency
An examination of salivary cortisol concentrations and behaviour in three African elephants Loxodonta africana at Zoo Atlanta
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: captive elephant, non-invasive, stereotypic behaviour, welfare
Global Overview of Environmental Enrichment Studies: What Has Been Done and Future Directions
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal management, animal welfare, animals under human care, captive environment
Hormonal changes in northern white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus leucogenys) after the death of a group member
Publication/Journal: Primates
Keywords: death, DHEAS, gibbons, glucocorticoids, group structure, stress
Specifically unspecific–Simple devices as feasible and effective enrichment for small mammals
Publication/Journal: Animal Behavior and Cognition
Keywords: animal husbandry, animal welfare, behavioral enrichment, Multi-species approach, stereotypy, zoo
Stereotypic Behaviour in Elephants
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour and Welfare Cases
Keywords: elephant, stereotypic behaviour, zoo
Zoo Visitors’ Most-Liked Aspects of Elephant Encounters and Related Perceptions of Animals’ Emotions and Welfare States: A Pragmatic Approach
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal emotions, animal experiences, animal training, animal welfare, animal–caregiver interactions, elephants, pragmatism, visitors, zoos
Age and Social History Impact Social Interactions between Bull Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) at Denver Zoo
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: animal welfare, elephant management, group compatibility, pachyderms, social behavior
Analytical Validation and Assessment of Baseline Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in Northern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Human Care
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: corticosterone, cortisol, endocrinology, enzyme immunoassay, fecal glucocorticoid metabolites, hormones, marine mammal, stress