Advancing zoo animal welfare through data science: scaling up continuous improvement efforts
Publication/Journal: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Keywords: animal welfare, artificial intelligence, continuous improvement, data science, evidence-based decision making, machine learning, zoo
First noncontact millimeter-wave radar measurement of heart rate in great apes: Validation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Publication/Journal: Am J Primatol
Keywords: *Pan troglodytes/physiology, *Radar, animal welfare, animals, Electrocardiography/veterinary/instrumentation, female, heart rate, male, millimeter‐wave ultrawide‐band array radar, noncontact measurement of vital sign, stress
Judgement Bias in Miniature Donkeys: Conditioning Factors and Personality Links
Assessing animal welfare at the farm level: do we care sufficiently about the individual?
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, group measures, individual measures, on-farm assessment, purpose, welfare improvement
Crib biting and equine gastric ulceration syndrome: Do horses that display oral stereotypies have altered gastric anatomy and physiology?
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: gastric ulceration, oral stereotypies, oxidative stress, stomach, stress
Differences in novel food response between Pongo and Pan
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: great apes, neophobia, novel food, social information, sociality
Welfare Effects of the Use of a Combination of Local Anesthesia and NSAID for Disbudding Analgesia in Dairy Calves—Reviewed Across Different Welfare Concerns
Publication/Journal: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Keywords: affective state, behavior, dehorning, local anesthesia, NSAID, pain, welfare
ANIMAL BEHAVIOR AND WELL-BEING SYMPOSIUM: Poultry welfare assessments: Current use and limitations
Publication/Journal: Journal of Animal Science
Keywords: agriculture, broiler, dairy & animal science, indicators, keel bone damage, laying hen, laying hens, limitations, optical-flow, performance, stocking density, welfare assessments, welfare quality®
ANIMAL BEHAVIOR AND WELL-BEING SYMPOSIUM: The Common Swine Industry Audit: Future steps to assure positive on-farm animal welfare utilizing validated, repeatable and feasible animal-based measures
Publication/Journal: Journal of Animal Science
Keywords: agriculture, audit, dairy & animal science, euthanasia, finishing pigs, sows, swine, system, united-states, welfare
Visual body condition scoring in zoo animals – composite, algorithm and overview approaches
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: body condition scoring (bcs), elephas maximus, loxodonta africana, weight monitoring, zoo animal