Does zoo visitor presence and noise impact the behaviour and enclosure use of zoo-housed Siamese crocodiles? A case study
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: crocodilian, Electivity Index, enclosure design, post-occupancy evaluation, visitor presence
First noncontact millimeter-wave radar measurement of heart rate in great apes: Validation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Publication/Journal: Am J Primatol
Keywords: *Pan troglodytes/physiology, *Radar, animal welfare, animals, Electrocardiography/veterinary/instrumentation, female, heart rate, male, millimeter‐wave ultrawide‐band array radar, noncontact measurement of vital sign, stress
Hormonal changes in northern white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus leucogenys) after the death of a group member
Publication/Journal: Primates
Keywords: death, DHEAS, gibbons, glucocorticoids, group structure, stress
The impact of care on chimpanzee welfare: A comprehensive review
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal wellbeing, colony management, enrichment, human-animal relations, social housing
The Impact of Care on Chimpanzee Welfare: A Comprehensive Review
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal wellbeing, colony management, enrichment, human-animal relations, social housing
Stereotypic Behaviour in Elephants
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour and Welfare Cases
Keywords: elephant, stereotypic behaviour, zoo
The Visitor Effect in Primates
Publication/Journal: Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice
Keywords: physiological measures, primate behaviors, primates, space use, visitor effects
Assessing Negative Welfare Measures for Wild Invertebrates: The Case for Octopuses
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: body patterns, cephalopoda, field study, sentience
Behaviors related to positive, neutral, or negative valence in Odocoileus virginianus in below ground level or ground level exhibitor and influx of visitors
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: animal welfare, visitor effects, white-tailed deer, zoo
Blood pressure monitoring in zoologically managed bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: blood pressure monitoring, bonobos, zoo