Personality in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus): Temporal stability and methods of assessment
Publication/Journal: Personality and Individual Differences
Keywords: elephant, personality, scale, TIPI, welfare
Nursing Behavior of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Calves from 1990-2014 at Brookfield Zoo Chicago, USA
Publication/Journal: Animal Behavior and Cognition
Keywords: bottlenose dolphin, neonate, nursing behavior, tursiops-truncatus
Whole versus chopped food: the bintu-right way to do it?
Publication/Journal: Discover Animals
Keywords: arctictis binturong, carnivora, chopped food, food particle size, wildlife park, zoo
Behavioral responses of captive brown bears Ursus arctos to the odor of conspecific urine
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: enrichment, Olfactory stimulation, stereotypic behavior, ursidae, zoos
The behavioural effects of feeding lean meat vs whole rabbit carcasses to zoo jaguars Panthera onca
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Enhancing welfare in a mixed exhibit: The impact of dispersed whole food on activity levels and feeding behaviours of Mexican military macaws and red-billed curassows
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: behaviour, bird, captive animals, chopped food, enrichment, Feeding techniques, Whole food
Estimating the cardiac signals of chimpanzees using a digital camera: validation and application of a novel non-invasive method for primate research
Publication/Journal: Behavior Research Methods
Exploring the behaviors and social preferences of a large, multigenerational herd of zoo-housed southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: ceratotherium, social behavior, welfare, zoo animal
Parturition and Neonatal Parameters of Three Species of Rhinoceros under Managed Care in the United States
Publication/Journal: Animals (Basel)
Keywords: calf presentation, dystocia, neonatal landmarks, parturition, pregnancy, retained placenta, rhinoceros, stillborn
Tactile responses to environmental enrichment in captive Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus)
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, Exploratory behaviours, Infant lifting, Tactile behaviours