Sonic enrichment at the zoo: What will the zoo of the future sound like?
Publication/Journal: Interaction Studies
Keywords: animal agency, animal control, animal enrichment, animal ethics, animal wellbeing, animal-computer-interaction, audio enrichment, interspecies enrichment, sonic enrichment, zoo interactive systems, zoo technology
Do Monkeys Want Audio or Visual Stimuli? Interactive Computers for Choice with White-Faced Sakis in Zoos
Publication/Journal: Designing Interactive Systems Conference
Keywords: animal-computer-interaction, audio analysis, monkey, preference, primate, stimuli, visual
Exploring How White-Faced Sakis Control Digital Visual Enrichment Systems
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal technology, animal-computer-interaction, visual enrichment, white-faced saki
Interspecies Interactions Mediated by Technology: An Avian Case Study at the Zoo
Publication/Journal: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Keywords: animal agency, animal music, animal-computer-interaction, enrichment, interspecies interactions, sonic enrichment
Music for Monkeys: Building Methods to Design with White-Faced Sakis for Animal-Driven Audio Enrichment Devices
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal technology, animal-computer-interaction, audio enrichment, white-faced saki
Music for Monkeys: Building Methods to Design with White-Faced Sakis for Animal-Driven Audio Enrichment Devices
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal technology, animal-computer-interaction, audio enrichment, white-faced saki
Implementing portable touchscreen-setups to enhance cognitive research and enrich zoo-housed animals
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal-computer-interaction, birds, comparative cognition, enrichment, primates, social group, touchscreen technology, welfare