The effects of anthropogenic noise on frogs housed on exhibit at a public aquarium
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: acoustics, conservation, Dentrobatidae, vocalization, zoo
A System for Monitoring Acoustics to Supplement an Animal Welfare Plan for Bottlenose Dolphins
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: acoustic monitoring, animal welfare, bioacoustics, communication, distress call, marine mammal, vocal behavior, vocal biomarkers
The effect of habitat acoustics on common marmoset vocal signal transmission
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: behavioral ecology, callithrix jacchus, sound broadcasts, sound window, vocal communication
Studying the behaviour and sensory ecology of marine mammals using acoustic recording tags: a review
Publication/Journal: Marine Ecology Progress Series
Keywords: acoustics, atlantic right, behaviour, blainville's beaked-whales, bottle-nosed dolphins, controlled exposure experiments, eastern tropical pacific, ecology, effects of noise, foraging, marine & freshwater biology, marine mammal, northern elephant, oceanography, resident killer whales, seals, sperm-whales, suction-cup tag, tag, tracking, whales, whales physeter-macrocephalus
Sound transmission in the habitats of Japanese macaques and its possible effect on population differences in coo calls
Publication/Journal: Behaviour
Keywords: coo call, dialect, habitat acoustics, japanese macaques, sound transmission
Acoustic systems are adapted to breeding ecologies: individual recognition in nesting penguins
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: acoustics, adélie penguin, breeding, gentoo penguin, parent-chick recognition, penguins, playback experiments, pygoscelis adeliae, pygoscelis papua
Size matters: Impact of item size and quantity on array choice by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Comparative Psychology
Keywords: *animal cognition, ability level, above chance, abstraction, acoustics, adaptation, adaptiveness, age, age differences, altruism, amnesia, analogy, animal behavior, animal breeding, animal captivity, animal communication, animal defence, animal developme