Behavioural Development of Three Former Pet Chimpanzees a Decade after Arrival at the MONA Sanctuary
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: activity budget, chimpanzee, early life experience, pan troglodytes, pet and entertainment, re-socialization, sanctuary, well-being
Improving the Welfare of a Zoo-Housed Male Drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus poensis) Aggressive Toward Visitors
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: activity patterns, aggression, animal welfare, feeding enrichment, space use
Fear and stress measurements in pure and hybrid red-legged partridges
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, hybrid partridge, pure red-legged partridge, relative fluctuating asymmetry, tonic immobility duration
Unpredictability, Controllability, and Optimal Arousal/Stimulation Level as Applied to Zoo Environment Enrichment Theory and Practice
Publication/Journal: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Environmental Enrichment
Keywords: arousal, conference, controllability, enrichment, environmental enrichment, environmental optimization, stimulation, unpredictability, zoo