Peaceful Coexistence in Compassionate Conservation: A Policy Discourse Analysis
Publication/Journal: Journal of Public Policy
Keywords: animal rights, animal welfare, captive animal management, compassionate conservation, Policy Discourse
Comparing hair cortisol concentrations from various body sites and serum cortisol in Holstein lactating cows and heifers during thermal comfort zone
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: hair cortisol, heifers, holstein cows, serum cortisol, various body sites
Is interactive technology a relevant and effective enrichment for captive great apes?
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: anthropomorphism, captive animals, environmental enrichment, free-choice, great apes, human-animal interaction, interactive digital technology, sanctuary animals, zoo
Long-term effects of infant attachment organization on adult behavior and health in nursery-reared, captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Comparative Psychology
Keywords: animal captivity, animal development, animal ethology, attachment behavior, caregivers, chimpanzees, comparative psychology, health, personality, well-being
A Scoping Review of Published Research on the Relinquishment of Companion Animals
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: companion animals, relinquishment
Begging response of gull chicks to the red spot on the parental bill
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: begging response, coadaptation, cross-fostering, larus michahellis, parent–offspring communication, parental signal, releasing mechanism, tinbergen, yellow-legged gull
Changes in Fecal Estrogen Levels and Sexual Behavior in Captive Sichuan Snub-Nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) Following a Male Replacement
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: copulation frequency, fecal estrogens, male replacement, seasonal breeding
Early-life stress affects song complexity, song learning and volume of the brain nucleus RA in adult male song sparrows
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: birdsong, caudomedial mesopallium, caudomedial nidopallium, cmm, developmental stress, hvc, melospiza melodia, ncm, ra, song preference
Early-life stress affects the behavioural and neural response of female song sparrows to conspecific song
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: birdsong, caudomedial mesopallium, caudomedial nidopallium, cmm, developmental stress, hvc, melospiza melodia, ncm, ra, song preference
Environmental and social influences on neuroendocrine puberty and behavior in macaques and other nonhuman primates
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: environmental influence, nonhuman primate, puberty onset, sex differences, sexual behavior, social influence