Human-Ape Interactions in a Zoo Setting: Gorillas and Orangutans Modify Their Behavior Depending upon Human Familiarity
Publication/Journal: Anthrozoos
Keywords: familiarity effect, human-animal interaction, human-ape interaction, primate relationships, visitor effects
Effects of chronic mild stress on sexual behavior, locomotor activity and consumption of sucrose and saccharine solutions
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: animal model of depression, chronic mild stress, open field behaviour, open-field behavior, saccharine intake, sexual activity, sucrose intake
A note on: On-farm testing of the behavioural response of group-housed calves towards humans; test–retest and inter-observer reliability and effect of familiarity of test person
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: avoidance behavior, avoidance behaviour, calves, human-animal relationship
Evaluation of natural resources in Bastrop, Burleson, Lee and Milam Counties
Keywords: habitat, natural resources, texas, water, water resources, wildlife