The glass is not yet half empty: agitation but not Varroa treatment causes cognitive bias in honey bees
Publication/Journal: Animal Cognition
Keywords: animal behavior, apidae, apis-mellifera hymenoptera, appetitive learning, aversive learning, behavioral sciences, colonies, destructor, formic acid, invertebrate emotion, invertebrate welfare, jacobsoni acari, judgment bias, olfactory conditioning, proboscis extension, proboscis extension reflex, zoology
Facial Indicators of Positive Emotions in Rats
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: animal emotions, facial expression, rats
Zoo Visitors’ Affective Responses to Observing Animal Behaviors
Publication/Journal: Visitor Studies
Keywords: environmental enrichment, experiences, hospitality, leisure, personality, sport & tourism
Assessment of Flooring Renovations on African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) Behavior and Glucocorticoid Response
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: asian elephant, captive elephants, endocrinology, maximus, multidisciplinary sciences, national-park, nocturnal behavior, serum cortisol, stress, walking rates, zoo elephants
Assessment of temperament traits of white-lipped (Tayassu pecari) and collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) during handling in a farmed environment
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, domestication, handling, peccary, reactivity, wildlife farming
Assessment of welfare of Brazilian and Belgian broiler flocks using the Welfare Quality protocol
Publication/Journal: Poultry Science
Keywords: agriculture, animal welfare, behavior, chickens, country of origin, dairy & animal science, dermatitis, farm, performance, poultry meat, slaughter, thirst, trade, welfare quality®
Behavioural evaluation of analgesic efficacy for pain mitigation in lame sows
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, behaviour, flunixin meglumine, lameness, meloxicam, swine
Short- and long-term repeatability of docility in the roe deer: sex and age matter
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: capreolus capreolus, capture, individual differences, mammal, personality, repeatability
Effect of hiding places, straw and territory on aggression in group-housed rabbit does
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: aggression, agonistic behaviour, group housing, rabbit
Factors predicting the frequency, likelihood and duration of allonursing in the cooperatively breeding meerkat
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: allolactation, helper, meerkat, suricata suricatta