Detailed Comparison of Acoustic Signals from Rehabilitated and Wild Franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) Dolphins
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: acoustic monitoring, animal communication, animal welfare, bycatch, NBHF species, Pontoporia blainvillei, rehabilitation
Impact of diet and environmental enrichment management in stereotyped behaviours: a case study in tayra Eira barbara
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal welfare, Five Domains, mustelids, nutrition, stereotypies
Evaluation of Sound Enrichment in the Behavior of Sapajus xanthosternos (Wied-Neuwied, 1826)(Primates: Cebidae) in Captivity
Publication/Journal: Primate Conservation
Keywords: classical music, non-human primates, sensory enrichment
Non-Invasive Assessment of the Seasonal Stress Response to Veterinary Procedures and Transportation of Zoo-Housed Lesser Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: behaviour, ex situ, faecal cortisol metabolites, pilosa, season, transport, veterinary check, wildlife
Characterization and correlations of behavioral and adrenocortical activities of zoo-housed lesser anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: activity pattern, fecal cortisol metabolites, noninvasive hormone monitoring, pilosa, stereotypic behavior
Canine coprophagic behavior is influenced by coprophagic cohabitant
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: behavior, dog, eating disorder, feces, nutrition
Designing Better Water Troughs: Does Trough Color Influence Dairy Cows’ Preference?
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: color, cow, drinker, preference, water
Capture, transport, and husbandry of elephant sharks (Callorhinchus milii) adults, eggs, and hatchlings for research and display
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: chondrichthyes, developmental series, evodevo, holocephali, husbandry
Effects of alternative bedding substrates on lamb welfare, productive performance, and meat quality during the finishing phase of fattening
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research
Keywords: bedding substrates, meat quality, social behaviors, stereotypies, welfare
Docking the value of pigmeat? Prevalence and financial implications of welfare lesions in Irish slaughter pigs
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, carcase, economics, meat inspection, pig, tail-biting