Acoustic Monitoring of Professionally Managed Marine Mammals for Health and Welfare Insights
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: acoustic welfare, anthropogenic sound, marine mammal welfare
Behavioural effects of noise on Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus) in a walk-through enclosure
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: acoustic stress, animal welfare, behaviour, captivity, sound pressure, two-toed sloth
Noise interfere on feeding behaviour but not on food preference of saffron finches (Sicalis flaveola)
Publication/Journal: Behavioural Processes
Keywords: animal behavior, animal welfare, finches, noise pollution
Sonic enrichment at the zoo: What will the zoo of the future sound like?
Publication/Journal: Interaction Studies
Keywords: animal agency, animal control, animal enrichment, animal ethics, animal wellbeing, animal-computer-interaction, audio enrichment, interspecies enrichment, sonic enrichment, zoo interactive systems, zoo technology
Visual and acoustic exploratory behaviors toward novel stimuli in Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) under human care
Publication/Journal: Journal of Comparative Psychology
Keywords: auditory perception, manatee, physiology, social behavior, Trichechus manatus, visual perception, vocalization
Bird Welfare in Zoos and Aquariums: General Insights across Industries
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: bird habitats, environmental enrichment, flooring, genetics, human-animal interactions, lighting, nutrition, social management, sound environment, substrate
Do zoo animals use off‐exhibit areas to avoid noise? A case study exploring the influence of sound on the behavior, physiology, and space use of two pied tamarins (Saguinus bicolor)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: animal welfare, noise, tamarins, zoo
Does the sound environment influence the behaviour of zoo-housed birds? A preliminary investigation of ten species across two zoos
Publication/Journal: Behavioural Processes
Keywords: animal behaviour, soundscape, visitor effect, welfare, zoo sound
Enrichment with classical music enhances affiliative behaviours in bottlenose dolphin
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: bottlenose dolphin, captive, cetacean, enrichment, social behavior, zoo
Evaluation of Sound Enrichment in the Behavior of Sapajus xanthosternos (Wied-Neuwied, 1826)(Primates: Cebidae) in Captivity
Publication/Journal: Primate Conservation
Keywords: classical music, non-human primates, sensory enrichment