Does zoo visitor presence and noise impact the behaviour and enclosure use of zoo-housed Siamese crocodiles? A case study
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: crocodilian, Electivity Index, enclosure design, post-occupancy evaluation, visitor presence
The effects of anthropogenic noise on frogs housed on exhibit at a public aquarium
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: acoustics, conservation, Dentrobatidae, vocalization, zoo
Play That Trunky Music: Development of an Auditory Enrichment Device for Elephants in Zoos
Publication/Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction
Keywords: african elephant, auditory enrichment, loxodonta africana
Validating a Non-Invasive Method for Assessing Cortisol Concentrations in Scraped Epidermal Skin from Common Bottlenose Dolphins and Belugas
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: cetacean, conservation biology, cortisol, keratin, skin, steroid hormones, stratum corneum, stress
Acoustic Monitoring of Professionally Managed Marine Mammals for Health and Welfare Insights
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: acoustic welfare, anthropogenic sound, marine mammal welfare
Behavioural effects of noise on Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus) in a walk-through enclosure
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: acoustic stress, animal welfare, behaviour, captivity, sound pressure, two-toed sloth
The effect of anthropogenic noise on foraging and vigilance in zoo housed pied tamarins
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal behaviour, bioacoustics, callitrichid, primate, stressor
Invisible Invertebrates: The Welfare of Invertebrates in Public Aquaria
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: aquarium, invertebrate, welfare
Mitigating Human Impacts on Wild Animal Welfare
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: biodiversity conservation, human impacts, vertebrate wildlife, wild animal welfare, wildlife management
Noise interfere on feeding behaviour but not on food preference of saffron finches (Sicalis flaveola)
Publication/Journal: Behavioural Processes
Keywords: animal behavior, animal welfare, finches, noise pollution