Catcalls: exotic cats discriminate the voices of familiar caregivers
Publication/Journal: PeerJ
Keywords: *Voice/physiology, animals, caregivers, Familiar human, felid, felidae, humans, physiology, pilot projects, psychology, rearing history, recognition, Vocal discrimination
Exploration of Social Proximity and Behavior in Captive Malayan Tigers and Their Cubs
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: affiliative, felidae, Panthera tigris jacksoni, sociality, solitary, tiger, tolerance, welfare
Maternal behavioural analysis during a successful captive breeding of jaguars Panthera onca
Publication/Journal: Theriogenology Wild
Keywords: amazon, felidae, Onça, welfare, wildcat, Yaguareté
Maternal behavioural analysis during a successful captive breeding of jaguars Panthera onca
Publication/Journal: Theriogenology Wild
Keywords: amazon, felidae, Onça, welfare, wildcat, Yaguareté
Study on Daily Activity Pattern of Captive Lion (Panthera leo) in Siantar Zoo, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Publication/Journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Keywords: activity pattern, captivity, ethogram, lion, zoo
A standardized ethogram for the felidae: A tool for behavioral researchers
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behavior, cat, definition, ethogram, felidae, review
Nutritional composition and digestibility by ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) of whole animals and a commercial diet
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: carnivore, digestive efficiency, felidae, nutrient, proximate composition
Taurine and zoo felids: considerations of dietary and biological tissue concentrations
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: amino acid, felidae, nutrition, protein
Effect of felid activity on zoo visitor interest
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: activity, felidae, visitor attraction, visitor effect
Noninvasive assessment of adrenal activity associated with husbandry and behavioral factors in the North American clouded leopard population
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: animal well-being, fecal corticoids, felidae, neofelis nebulosa, self-mutilation, stress