A 30 Year (1991–2020) Retrospective mortality review of Giraffids spp. and Okapia johnstoni in managed care
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Keywords: animals, communicable diseases, giraffes, managed care programs, noncommunicable diseases, okapi, retrospective studies, ruminant, veterinary
A Conceptual Model for Understanding Types of Visitor Effects and Suggestions for Improving Visitor Effects Research
Publication/Journal: Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice
Keywords: animal behavior, animal visitor interaction (AVI), emotional arousal, five domains model, visitor effects
Dolphin-WET—Development of a Welfare Evaluation Tool for Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) under Human Care
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: cetacean welfare, marine mammals, welfare evaluation, welfare indicator, zoo animals
The Ethics of Human–Animal Interactions at the Zoo
Publication/Journal: CABI Books
Keywords: animal experiences, animal welfare, ethics, human-animal interactions, visitor experience
Global Overview of Environmental Enrichment Studies: What Has Been Done and Future Directions
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal management, animal welfare, animals under human care, captive environment
The impact of care on chimpanzee welfare: A comprehensive review
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal wellbeing, colony management, enrichment, human-animal relations, social housing
The Impact of Care on Chimpanzee Welfare: A Comprehensive Review
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal wellbeing, colony management, enrichment, human-animal relations, social housing
Nutrition in captive penguins: What do we know about how can we make it better?
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal nutrition, energy requirements, feeding guidelines, polar habitat, spheniscidae
Primate enrichment categories: A literature review of current trends
Publication/Journal: Animal Behavior and Cognition
Keywords: Descriptive statistics, Environment enrichment, laboratory, primate welfare, zoo
A scoping review of the use of bioacoustics to assess various components of farm animal welfare
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal behaviour, animal welfare, bioacoustics, precision livestock farming, vocalization