Exploring the behaviors and social preferences of a large, multigenerational herd of zoo-housed southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: ceratotherium, social behavior, welfare, zoo animal
Parturition and Neonatal Parameters of Three Species of Rhinoceros under Managed Care in the United States
Publication/Journal: Animals (Basel)
Keywords: calf presentation, dystocia, neonatal landmarks, parturition, pregnancy, retained placenta, rhinoceros, stillborn
Retrospective pathology review of captive black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis in the EAZA Ex-situ Programme (1995-2022)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Postoccupancy evaluation of staff, visitors, and three species of animals in a zoo setting
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: komodo dragon, post-occupancy evaluation, red panda, rhinoceros, zoo
Preliminary Findings on How Different Management Systems and Social Interactions Influence Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: glucocorticoids, management, reproduction, stress, white rhinoceros
Behavioral and Physical Development of Captive–Born Eastern Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli) Calves
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: black rhinoceros, neotnatal development, nursing duration, proximity, time-budget
An Ethical Assessment Tool (ETHAS) to Evaluate the Application of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Mammals’ Conservation: The Case of the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, assisted reproductive technologies, conservation ethics, ethical review process, ethical risk assessment, ethical self-assessment, northern white rhinoceros
Rehabilitation method affects behavior, welfare, and adaptation potential for subsequent release of orphaned white rhinoceros
Publication/Journal: acta ethologica
Keywords: conservation, rehabilitation, white rhinoceros
Exploring the relationship between personality and social interactions in zoo-housed elephants: Incorporation of keeper expertise
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: Keeper expertise, personality, social behaviour, social relationships, welfare, zoo elephants
Simple but temporally unpredictable puzzles are cognitive enrichment
Publication/Journal: Animal Behavior and Cognition
Keywords: animal welfare, anticipatory behavior, foraging enrichment, reward schedules