Access to Multiple Habitats Improves Welfare: A Case Study of Two Zoo-Housed Black Bears (Ursus americanus)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: american black bear, animal welfare, carnivore, choice and control, environmental enrichment, zoo
Effects of Background Color on Stress-Linked Behavior in the Critically Endangered Lake Oku Clawed Frog (Xenopus longipes)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: amphibian, husbandry, welfare, zoo research
Exploring the behaviors and social preferences of a large, multigenerational herd of zoo-housed southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: ceratotherium, social behavior, welfare, zoo animal
The influence of feeding routines on the behavior of zoo-housed Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: behavioral-response, feeding, Sulawesi crested black macaques, welfare
Modification of Domestic Animal Lameness Scales for Use in Asiatic Black Bears (Ursus thibetanus)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: asiatic black bear, bear lameness scale, lameness assessment, locomotion, Ursus spp., Ursus thibetanus, welfare assessment
Parturition and Neonatal Parameters of Three Species of Rhinoceros under Managed Care in the United States
Publication/Journal: Animals (Basel)
Keywords: calf presentation, dystocia, neonatal landmarks, parturition, pregnancy, retained placenta, rhinoceros, stillborn
A preliminary study of the effects of enrichment on the activity and spatial distribution of captive monitor lizards in Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo, Thailand:
Publication/Journal: Veterinary Integrative Sciences
Retrospective pathology review of captive black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis in the EAZA Ex-situ Programme (1995-2022)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
About pace: How variations in method and definition affect quantification of pacing in bears?
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: bears, pacing, stereotypy
Do zoo‐housed primates retreat from crowds? A simple study of five primate species
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: animal welfare, primates, visitor effects, zoo