Catcalls: exotic cats discriminate the voices of familiar caregivers
Publication/Journal: PeerJ
Keywords: *Voice/physiology, animals, caregivers, Familiar human, felid, felidae, humans, physiology, pilot projects, psychology, rearing history, recognition, Vocal discrimination
Qualitative Behavioural Assessment of bonobo emotional expressivity across observer groups and zoo housing environments
Publication/Journal: Anim Welf
Keywords: animal welfare, emotion, Fixed List, free choice profiling, primate, qba
What Types of Animals Should Be in the Future Zoo? Thoughts from United States Residents and Zoo and Aquarium Staff
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: collection, conservation, domesticated, education, endangered, exhibit, mission, popular, preference, recreation
Genetic and environmental parameters for behavioural responses towards humans in farmed ostriches
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal behaviour, animal welfare, heritability, human-animal relationship, ostrich
Novel object test in farmed fallow deer (Dama dama)–The impact on appearance, diurnal rhythm and behaviour in the foraging area
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: fallow deer, farmed deer, foraging, novel object test
Using Thermal Imaging to Monitor Body Temperature of Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in A Zoo Setting
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: body temperature, heat/cold stress, koalas, substrate, thermal imaging, thermoregulation, welfare, zoo
What is animal happiness?
Publication/Journal: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Keywords: affect balance, animal welfare, human happiness, typical level of affect
Aggressive behaviour at regrouping is a poor predictor of chronic aggression in stable social groups
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: aggression, cluster analysis, fighting, lesion, pig, social
Barren diets increase wakeful inactivity in calves
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, diet, inactivity, stereotypies, veal calves
Bestial boredom: a biological perspective on animal boredom and suggestions for its scientific investigation
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: *animal cognition, animal behaviour, animal welfare, boredom, environmental enrichment, motivation, novelty, psychobiology, time perception