Personality traits in captive Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Brazil and perspectives for the release of individuals

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
Karen Lucchini, Helena G. P. do Val, Rebecca Umeed, Cristiano S. de Azevedo, Fernanda Löffler Niemeyer Attademo, Lucas I. dos S. Melo, Fábia de Oliveira Luna, Bruna Bezerra
Applied Animal Behaviour Science
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Personality refers to an individual feature which is consistent over time and contexts and modulates how animals perceive and interact with the surrounding environment, influencing life history traits such as foraging, dispersion and reproduction. So far, very little is known about the Antillean manatee’s personality. Here we aimed to investigate personality traits of nine captive Antillean manatees, Trichechus manatus manatus, and determine, multidimensionally, which qualitative and quantitative variables can be used to distinguish between bolder and shier individuals. Our results showed that 12 qualitative and five quantitative variables were conspicuous for determining manatee’ temperament on a boldness-shyness scale, and provided the data needed for studies to evaluate release success according to an individual’s personality. We suggest that parental care and genetic predisposition may influence offspring temperament. Hence, future studies should consider the impact of personality traits when selecting or monitoring individual manatees pre and post release and how temperament can influence rehabilitations and adaptation in the wild.


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