The Animal Welfare Consequences and Moral Implications of Lethal and Non-Lethal Fox Control Methods
Keywords: control method, death, livestock, Peter Singer, suffering, Tom Regan, vulpes vulpes
Choice-based severity scale (CSS): assessing the relative severity of procedures from a laboratory animal’s perspective
Publication/Journal: PeerJ
Keywords: animal behavior, neuroscience, veterinary medicine, zoology
Aging Gracefully: Compassion for Nonhuman Animal Elders
Publication/Journal: Optimal Wellbeing of Ageing Wild Animals in Human Care
Keywords: aging, compassionate care, geriatric, welfare, wellbeing
Behavioural Indicators of Pain and Suffering in Arthropods and Might Pain Bite Back?
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: Chelicerata, contests, Mandibulata, nociception, pain, traumatic mating, venom
Euthanasia of Geriatric Zoo Animals: Decision-Making and Procedure
Publication/Journal: Optimal Wellbeing of Ageing Wild Animals in Human Care
Keywords: aging, animal welfare, end-of-life decisions, euthanasia, geriatric
JZAR Special Edition: Proceedings of the 12th European Zoo Nutrition Conference in Riga, Latvia, 20–22 September 2023
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: feeding, feeding guidelines, zoo nutrition
Sonic enrichment at the zoo: What will the zoo of the future sound like?
Publication/Journal: Interaction Studies
Keywords: animal agency, animal control, animal enrichment, animal ethics, animal wellbeing, animal-computer-interaction, audio enrichment, interspecies enrichment, sonic enrichment, zoo interactive systems, zoo technology
Frog in the Well: A Review of the Scientific Literature for Evidence of Amphibian Sentience
The Science of Animal Welfare: Understanding What Animals Want
Keywords: animal welfare
Effects of Transport Conditions on Behavioural and Physiological Responses of Horses
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: behaviour, equine, position, space, stomach ulcers, travelling, welfare