A 30 Year (1991–2020) Retrospective mortality review of Giraffids spp. and Okapia johnstoni in managed care
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Keywords: animals, communicable diseases, giraffes, managed care programs, noncommunicable diseases, okapi, retrospective studies, ruminant, veterinary
Further Than Fur: Effects of Sex, Body Site, and Season on Hair Color and Hair Cortisol Concentration in Captive Addax nasomaculatus Antelopes
Publication/Journal: Ruminants
Keywords: animal welfare, ex situ conservation, ruminant, stress, thermoregulation
Effects of social stress on the welfare of captive male Alpine musk deer: Stereotypic behavior, fecal cortisol, and musk secretion
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: alpine musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster), ex situ conservation, fecal cortisol, small ruminant welfare, stereotypic behavior
Behavioral and physiological measures in dairy goats with and without small ruminant lentivirus infection
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: behavior, dairy goat, health, heart rate, SRLV, welfare
Seasonal mortality in zoo ruminants
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: climate, husbandry, mortality, reproduction, ruminant, seasonality
Using a three-axis accelerometer to identify and classify sheep behaviour at pasture
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: activity, decision-tree, grazing, ruminant, sensor
Daily grazing time of dairy cows is recorded accurately using the Lifecorder Plus device
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: accelerometer, dairy cow, grazing time, methodology
Diet and diet-related disorders in captive ruminants at the national zoological gardens of South Africa
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: browser, digestive tract, grazer, ruminant, serous fat atrophy
Effect of varying dietary starch and fiber levels and inoculum source (mule deer vs. dairy cow) on simulated rumen fermentation characteristics
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: bos taurus, ndf, odocoileus hemionus, ruminant, volatile fatty acid
Collective Vigilance in the Greater Kudu: Towards a Better Understanding of Synchronization Patterns
Publication/Journal: Ethology
Keywords: greater kudu, predation, tragelaphus strepsiceros, vigilance