The Role of Preventative Medicine Programs in Animal Welfare and Wellbeing in Zoological Institutions
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, animal wellbeing, operant conditioning, preventative medicine
Observations on the use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags in teleosts and elasmobranchs at a public aquarium, 728 cases, 2007–2020
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: elasmobranch, fish welfare, PIT tags, teleost
Swedish cat shelters: a descriptive survey of husbandry practices, routines and management
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, disease, domestic cat, husbandry, routines, shelters
Will a hiding box provide stress reduction for shelter cats?
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Affiliative and aggressive behavior in a group of female somali wild ass (Equus africanus somalicus)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: agonistic behavior, dominance, equids, social behavior
Behavioral Responses of Silverback Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) to Videos
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: enrichment, gorillas, video
Facility design and associated services for the study of amphibians
Publication/Journal: Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal
Keywords: amphibian, captive breeding, facilities, husbandry, quarantine, research, uvb, water quality
Hand-rearing Greater flamingos Phoenicopterus ruber roseus for translocation from WWT Slimbridge to Auckland Zoo
Publication/Journal: International Zoo Yearbook
Keywords: artificial incubation, greater flamingo, hand rearing, quarantine, translocation
Stress in wild-caught Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra): effects of a long-acting neuroleptic and time in captivity
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, eurasian otter, long-acting neuroleptic, lutra lutra, perphenazine, stress
Veterinary concerns of captive duikers
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: anesthesia, cephalophus spp, diseases, necropsy, neonates, preventive medicine, research, restraint, sylvicapra spp