A cage-based training, cognitive testing and enrichment system optimized for rhesus macaques in neuroscience research
Publication/Journal: Behavior Research Methods
Keywords: acquisition, animal, animal welfare, automated testing, baboons papio-papio, behavioral management, cognitive neuroscience, computerized test systems, cortex, environmental enrichment, experimental, housing, macaca-mulatta, mathematical, monkey, mt neurons, non-human primates, parietal, performance, psychology, receptive-field, representation
Humane euthanasia of neonates I: validation of the effectiveness of the Zephyr EXL non-penetrating captive-bolt euthanasia system on neonate piglets up to 10.9 kg live-weight
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, captive bolt, euthanasia, mechanical stunning, piglet, visual evoked potentials
Pain and Laboratory Animals: Publication Practices for Better Data Reproducibility and Better Animal Welfare
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: activity, critical-care, experimental surgical-procedures, killer-cell, liver-transplantation, metastatic colonization, multidisciplinary sciences, neuropathic pain, posterior parietal, reporting guidelines, spinal-cord-injury, systematic reviews
Cortical Networks for Ethologically Relevant Behaviors in Primates
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: grasping, motor cortex, posterior parietal cortex, prosimians
Environmental enrichment promotes improved spatial abilities and enhanced dendritic growth in the rat
Publication/Journal: Behavioural Brain Research
Keywords: dendritic spines, development, neuronal changes, parietal cortex, spatial procedural learning, spatial working memory