Paternal behavior in captive fat-tailed dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleus medius) is preserved under socially relevant conditions
Publication/Journal: Primates
Keywords: duke lemur center, hibernation, Pair-living Primate
Repeatability of measures of behavioral organization over two years in captive infant rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: biobehavioral assessment, emotionality, infant temperament, macaca-mulatta, personality-traits, rhesus macaque
Behavioral development of a captive polar bear (Ursus maritimus) cub in the maternal den
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: animal welfare, development, polar bear
Behaviour indicative of coprophagy in zoo-managed porcupine (Hystrix indica)
Publication/Journal: Mammalian Biology
Developmental Programming, Evolution, and Animal Welfare: A Case for Evolutionary Veterinary Science
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Maternal behavioural analysis during a successful captive breeding of jaguars Panthera onca
Publication/Journal: Theriogenology Wild
Keywords: amazon, felidae, Onça, welfare, wildcat, Yaguareté
Maternal behavioural analysis during a successful captive breeding of jaguars Panthera onca
Publication/Journal: Theriogenology Wild
Keywords: amazon, felidae, Onça, welfare, wildcat, Yaguareté
Understanding Circadian and Circannual Behavioral Cycles of Captive Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Can Help to Promote Good Welfare
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, breeding, captive, circadian, circannual
Behaviour of Zoo-Housed Red Pandas (Ailurus fulgens): A Case-Study Testing the Behavioural Variety Index
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: animal welfare, maternal behaviour, red panda
Effects of rearing methods on feather-damaging behavior and corticosterone metabolite excretion in the peach-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis Vieillot)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: Agapornis roseicollis Vieillot, corticosterone metabolite, feather-damaging behavior, hand rearing, parental rearing with neonatal handling, peach-faced lovebird