Agonistic interactions and social behaviors in the Saharan Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta): Using social network analysis to evaluate relationships and social structure in captive male groups
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: animal welfare, Gazella dorcas, male interactions, social behavior
Animal–Staff Interactions
Publication/Journal: Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice
Keywords: HAI, human-animal interactions
Assessing Visitor Effects on Zoo Animals
Publication/Journal: Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice
Keywords: animal welfare, HAI, human-animal interactions, visitor effects
Automatic detection of stereotypical behaviors of captive wild animals based on surveillance videos of zoos and animal reserves
Publication/Journal: Ecological Informatics
Keywords: animal tracking, animal welfare, captive animal, Motion trajectory, Siamese network, stereotypical behavior
The effects of human-zoo ambassador animal interactions on millennial populations
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: education, human-animal interactions, millennial, welfare, zoo animals
Effects of Restraint Stress on Circulating Corticosterone and Met Enkephalin in Chickens: Induction of Shifts in Insulin Secretion and Carbohydrate Metabolism
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: corticosterone, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance, Met-enkephalin, stress
Effects of Restraint Stress on Circulating Corticosterone and Met Enkephalin in Chickens: Induction of Shifts in Insulin Secretion and Carbohydrate Metabolism
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: corticosterone, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance, Met-enkephalin, stress
The Ethics of Human–Animal Interactions at the Zoo
Publication/Journal: CABI Books
Keywords: animal experiences, animal welfare, ethics, human-animal interactions, visitor experience
Group structure and individual relationships of sanctuary-living Grauer’s gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri)
Publication/Journal: PLOS ONE
Keywords: animal sociality, centrality, collective animal behavior, eigenvectors, female contraception, gorillas, primates, social networks
Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice
Keywords: animal behavior, animal visitor interaction (AVI), animal welfare, avi, HAI, human-animal interactions