Colony foundation in the lesser kestrel: patterns and consequences of the occupation of empty habitat patches
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: breeding performance, colonial breeding, colonization, connectivity, ectoparasitism, falco naumanni, founder individual, habitat selection, lesser kestrel
Ultraviolet vision in birds: a review
Publication/Journal: Veterinarni Medicina
Keywords: coloring, communication, food detection, plumage, reflectance, uv
Public information in selection of nesting colony by lesser kestrels: which cues are used and when are they obtained?
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: breeding habitat selection, coloniality, conspecific attraction, dispersal, falco naumanni, immigration, lesser kestrel, performance-based attraction, public information
Female kestrels gain reproductive success by choosing brightly ornamented males
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: european kestrel, evolution, falco tinnunculus, female choice, fitness, good parent, male coloration, mate choice