Influence of food physical properties and environmental context on manipulative behaviors highlighted by new methodological approaches in zoo-housed bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: bonobos, evolution, manipulative abilities, nonhuman primate, pan paniscus
Behavioural Indicators of Pain and Suffering in Arthropods and Might Pain Bite Back?
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: Chelicerata, contests, Mandibulata, nociception, pain, traumatic mating, venom
Developmental Programming, Evolution, and Animal Welfare: A Case for Evolutionary Veterinary Science
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
The Evolution of Zoos as Conservation Institutions: A Summary of the Transition from Menageries to Zoological Gardens and Parallel Improvement of Mammalian Welfare Management
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: behavior, environmental enrichment, husbandry, species preservation conservation, zoo stress
Identifying Essential Elements of Good Giraffe Welfare—Can We Use Knowledge of a Species’ Fundamental Needs to Develop Welfare-Focused Husbandry?
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Latitudinal and zoo specific zeitgebers influence circadian and circannual rhythmicity of behavior in captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
Publication/Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, breeding, circadian, circannual, zeitgeber, zoo
Quality-of-Life Assessments in Zoo Animals: Not Just for the Aged and Charismatic
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, assessment, decision-making, euthanasia, geriatric, quality of life, zoo animal
Southern Sea Otter Rehabilitation: Lessons and Impacts from the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: aquarium, collaboration, southern sea otter, surrogacy, wildlife rehabilitation
Choice, Control and Computers: Empowering Wildlife in Human Care
Publication/Journal: Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
Keywords: animal-centered technology (ACT), captive, choice, conservation, enrichment, exhibit, reintroduction, wildlife, zoo
Comparative Personality Traits Assessment of Three Species of Communally Housed Captive Penguins
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: aptenodytes patagonicus, Eudyptes moseleyi, personality-traits, Pygocelis papua