Gut microbiota of skywalker hoolock gibbons (Hoolock tianxing) from different habitats and in captivity: Implications for gibbon health
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: captivity, gibbon, microbiota
Gibbon Aggression During Introductions: An International Survey
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: aggression, gibbon, introduction
The effects of three types of environmental enrichment on the behaviour of captive Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch)
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: feeding enrichment, gibbon, habituation, novel object enrichment, olfactory enrichment
Significance of grooming behavior in two polygynous groups of western black crested gibbons: Implications for understanding social relationships among immigrant and resident group members
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: grooming interaction, nomascus concolor, polygynous, social network analysis, wuliang mountains
Phylogenetic Separation in Limb Use in Captive Gibbons (Hylobatidae): A Comparison Across the Primate Order
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: evolution, gibbons, hylobatidae, limb-use, self-scratching, taxonomy
Responses of Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Groups in Submontane Forest to Monthly Variation in Food Availability: Evidence for Variation on a Fine Spatial Scale
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: fbf, feeding strategies, flowers, food abundance, phenology
Sleeping Tree Selection of Cao Vit Gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) Living in Degraded Karst Forest in Bangliang, Jingxi, China
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: cao vit gibbon, predation avoidance, range defense, sleeping behavior, thermoregulation
Supplemental Material for Inferential Reasoning by Exclusion in Great Apes, Lesser Apes, and Spider Monkeys
Publication/Journal: Journal of Comparative Psychology
Keywords: chimpanzee, inference, orangutan, primate cognition, siamang
Female reproductive parameters in the Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: interbirth intervals, menarche, ovarian cycles, sexual maturity
Siamangs (Hylobates syndactylus) and White-Cheeked Gibbons (Hylobates leucogenys) Show Few Behavioral Differences Related to Zoo Attendance
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: gibbon, siamang, visitor effect, zoo