Parturition and Neonatal Parameters of Three Species of Rhinoceros under Managed Care in the United States
Publication/Journal: Animals (Basel)
Keywords: calf presentation, dystocia, neonatal landmarks, parturition, pregnancy, retained placenta, rhinoceros, stillborn
Rating Methodology, Personality Axes, and Behavioral Plasticity: A Case Study in African Lions
Publication/Journal: Animal Behavior and Cognition
Keywords: African lions, animal welfare, behavioral plasticity, behavioral syndrome, coping style, glucocorticoids, inter-observer reliability, personality, stress, temperament
Effects of comfort food on food intake, anxiety-like behavior and the stress response in rats
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: anxiety, behavior, comfort food, corticosterone, foot-shock stress, insulin, leptin
Selection against stereotypic behaviour may have contradictory consequences for the welfare of farm mink (Mustela vison)
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: faecal cortisol metabolites, mink, selection, stereotypies, temperament, welfare
Small effective population sizes of two remnant ocelot populations (Leopardus pardalis albescens) in the United States
Publication/Journal: Conservation Genetics
Keywords: conservation biology, effective population, endangered, microsatellites, ocelot, size
Temperament, stereotypies and anticipatory behaviour as measures of welfare in mink
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: anticipatory behaviour, fear, mink, stereotypies, temperament, welfare
Activity-based exhibition of five mammalian species: Evaluation of behavioral changes
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: exhibit design, habituation, natural behaviors, space utilization, stereotypies
Calves’ motivation for access to two different types of social contact measured by operant conditioning
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behavioral needs, behavioural needs, calves, demand functions, motivation, operant conditioning, social contact
Effect of Access to Roughage and Shlter on Selected Behavioural Indicators of Welfare in 12 Pigs Housed in a Complex Environment
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, behaviour, housing, pigs, roughage, temperature
Influence of prior exposure to wood shavings on feather pecking, dustbathing and foraging in adult laying hens
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: chicken, dustbathing, feather pecking, foraging, rearing, substrate