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Sharing mates and nest boxes is associated with female “friendship” in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris

Breeding decisions in birds involve both mate and nest choice, and there is increasing evidence that social influences may modulate individual choices. Female preferences may be affected by other females’ preferences and mutual choice cannot always be excluded, which makes the whole pattern more complex than assumed by most sexual selection models. Social transmission may […]


Group service in macaques (Macaca fuscata), capuchins (Cebus apella) and marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): A comparative approach to identifying proactive prosocial motivations

Proactive, that is, spontaneous, prosociality reflects a psychological interest in the welfare of others and has been reported in callitrichid monkeys, capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella), and humans, but not in chimpanzees. One explanation for the co-occurrence of proactive prosociality in these species is that it is linked to shared infant care (cooperative breeding); alternatively, it […]


Loading density and welfare of goat kids during long distance road transport

Many goat kids (Capra aegagrus hircus) are transported live from The Netherlands for slaughter in France or Spain. Current standards indicate that goats (< 35 kg) should have sufficient space at 0.2–0.30 m2 per animal (approximately 5 goats per m2). Research was devised to assess behaviour and physiological responses of goat kids transported at different […]


Adaptively flexible polyandry

Mating theory (Hubbell & Johnson 1987, American Naturalist, 130, 91–112; Gowaty & Hubbell 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 106, 10017–10024) says that reproductive decisions of individuals are flexibly expressed and adaptive. It also makes the following five predictions about polyandry. (1) Demography determines within-population, between-female variation in mating rates. That is, […]


Identifying parentage using molecular markers: Improving accuracy of studbook records for a captive flock of marabou storks (Leptoptilus crumeniferus)

Extra-pair copulations (EPCs) leading to extra-pair fertilization (EPF) are common in avian mating systems, despite the prevalence of observed social monogamy in many species. Colonially breeding birds are interesting species to investigate the prevalence of EPCs and EPF because they show nesting habits including close proximity of nest sites and sexual partners, which are proposed […]


Diphenyl diselenide supplemented diet reduces depressive-like behavior in hypothyroid female rats

Hypothyroidism has been associated to psychiatric disorder development and tissue oxidative damage. In this study, we evaluated the effect of diphenyl diselenide supplementation on depressive-like behavior triggered by methimazole exposure in female rats. Additionally, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and non-protein thiol (NP-SH) levels were analyzed in cerebral cortex, hippocampus and […]


Additional foraging elements reduce abnormal behaviour – fur-chewing and stereotypic behaviour – in farmed mink (Neovison vison)

We investigated whether provision of additional appetitive and consummatory elements of foraging reduces baseline stress and abnormal behaviour – in terms of fur-chewing and stereotypic behaviour – in farmed mink. We studied 200 juveniles (n = 100 females and 100 males) during the 5-month growth period with plenty of feed, and subsequently the females as […]


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