The Zone Overlap Index: A new measure of shared resource use in the zoo
Publication Type: |
Journal Article |
Year of Publication: |
2023 |
Authors: |
J. E. Brereton, P. E. Rose |
Publication/Journal: |
Zoo Biol |
Keywords: |
animal, animals, compatibility, enclosure design, housing, humans, mixed-species enclosure, Pianka Niche Overlap Index, proximity, zoo |
0733-3188 |
It is important that the environment provided in the zoo is relevant to the species being housed and its suitability be easily assessed by personnel. As shared space and resources can overlap in a zoo’s enclosure a tool is required to measure the effects of such overlap between individual animals in a shared enclosure. This paper outlines the Pianka Index (PI), a tool used in ecology to quantify niche overlap, that has value in quantifying the amount of time that animals spend in shared enclosure zones. One limitation to this method, however, is that the established method of determining the PI requires division of the enclosure into equally sized zones, something that is not always relevant to a zoo enclosure. To combat this, we created a modified index, entitled the Zone Overlap Index (ZOI). This modified index is the exact mathematical equivalent of the original index when zone sizes are equal. When zone sizes are unequal, the ZOI generates higher values when animals share smaller, as opposed to larger, zones. This is because animals are more likely to share larger enclosure zones simply by chance, and shared use of smaller zones brings individuals into closer proximity with the potential for competition. To illustrate the application of the ZOI, a series of hypothetical situations were generated to reflect real-world scenarios, demonstrating how this index could be used to better understand zone occupancy overlap in the zoo.