The Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised: Independent Validation in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
Kristen S. L. Lam, Michael G. Aman
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
, , , , ,
0162-3257 1573-3432

A key feature of autism is restricted repetitive behavior (RRB). Despite the significance of RRBs, little is known about their phenomenology, assessment, and treatment. The Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R) is a recently-developed questionnaire that captures the breadth of RRB in autism. To validate the RBS-R in an independent sample, we conducted a survey within the South Carolina Autism Society. A total of 320 caregivers (32%) responded. Factor analysis produced a five-factor solution that was clinically meaningful and statistically sound. The factors were labeled ‘‘Ritualistic/Sameness Behavior,’’ ‘‘Stereotypic Behavior,’’ ‘‘Self-injurious Behavior,’’ ‘‘Compulsive Behavior,’’ and ‘‘Restricted Interests.’’ Measures of internal consistency were high for this solution, and interrater reliability data suggested that the RBS-R performs well in outpatient settings.


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