Spacing pattern in a social group of stray cats: effects on male reproductive success

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
Ludovic Say, Dominique Pontier
Animal Behaviour

Reproductive consequences of male spacing patterns have received relatively little attention in nonterritorial mammals, in particular in group-living species, where most studies have focused on the relation between social rank and reproductive success. We investigated the effects of spacing pattern on male reproductive success within a social, nonterritorial, promiscuous population of stray cats, Felis catus. Male home ranges overlapped home ranges of many females, consistent with a promiscuous mating system. Furthermore, males with the largest home ranges included the most female home ranges; they successfully reproduced with these females and had the highest reproductive success. Home range size predicted male reproductive success even when controlling for the effect of social rank. However, males also reproduced with females whose home range did not overlap their home range, suggesting that males can make quick excursions outside their home range to find new mating opportunities. We conclude that, in group-living situations, a male’s ability to maintain a large home range may be one of the principal causes of variation in mating success in the stray cat.


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