Short-term behavioural response of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) to snowmobile disturbance

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
Magnus Andersen, Jon Aars
Polar Biology
, , , , , ,
0722-4060 1432-2056

In this study the distance, at which polar bears detected and actively responded to approaching snowmobiles was measured and the behavioural response was recorded. The study was performed on Svalbard, an arctic island where human traffic has increased substantially in recent years. Fieldwork was conduced in April and/or May during the years 2003–2005. Polar bears were observed on ice with telescopes and binoculars. Undisturbed polar bears were observed continuously and their behaviours recorded, during the time when two snowmobiles moved toward the bear(s). Distances between the bear, the observer, and the approaching snowmobiles were measured using GPS positions taken on the track towards the bear. Data on the behavioural response of 20 encounters with bears were collected. On average, bears were alerted to the snowmobiles at 1,164 m. Mean distance at which the locomotive response occurred was 843 m, and there was a statistical signifcant difference in distance between sex and age classes [326 m (95% CI = 138–496 m) for adult males; 1,534 m (95% CI = 508–2,768 m) for adult females with cubs; 164 m (95% CI = 49–543 m) for two adult females without cubs; and 1,160 m (95% CI = 375–1,353 m) for single medium sized bears]. The responses of the polar bears to the snowmobiles were categorized according to intensity and persistence of reactions. Females with cubs and single medium sized bears tended to show more intense responses than adult males and lone adult females. Wind direction aVects sound and odour transmission, and although an effect on response distance was not found, the response intensity was affected by wind direction. We conclude that female polar bears with small cubs in particular may have a greater risk to be disturbed, since they react at greater distances with amplified reactions; thus, users of snowmobiles should take particular care in areas where females with cubs are present.


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