Reproductive Management Plan of Toledo Zoo Lowland Gorillas Over the Past 25 Years

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
T.A. Reichard, G.F. Favata, C. Petiniot, A. Gheres, N.M. Czekala, B.L. Lasley
Zoo Biology
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The breeding program for gorillas at the Toledo Zoo up to 1983 had resulted in five pregnancies over an 18 year period. In 1983, we began a multifaceted effort designed to improve reproduction through behavioral, physical, dietary, and physiological evaluations. Measurement of steroidal hormones in urine proved useful in monitoring ovarian activity and, in one case, led to successful treatment of a luteal-phase deficieny in pregnanediol-3-glucuronide. Various social manipulations of colony members and infant-rearing regimes are described.


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