Perception of laboratory staff regarding animal welfare issues

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
B. G. F. Deguchi, P. R. Tamioso, C. F. M. Molento
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia
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Laboratory staff controls a series of environmental parameters affecting animals used in research. Therefore, staff attitudes influence both animal welfare (AW) and research results. This study aimed to verify the knowledge and perception of staff members on AW. Data were collected through a 22 open-question and 23 multiple-choice question online survey. 62 respondents from Brazilian institutions answered the survey. Sixteen (25.8%) participants did not receive training for their functions, from which 11 (18.0%) performed or coordinated procedures that may induce pain or death. The main limiting factor for the use of animals in research was ethical issues (38, 63.3%). All participants reported to know the meaning of AW, but most of the concepts given were partial (32, 64.0%). These results may be related to the unavailable or optional teaching of AW in most undergraduate courses in Brazil. Vertebrates were perceived by respondents as highly sentient. Species with a social and affective bond with human beings were seen as more sentient than other groups. There was interest in an environmental enrichment project (34, 69.4%) suggesting concern with AW. These results can collaborate in the identification of critical issues in AW in Brazilian laboratories and indicate opportunities to improve scientific knowledge of key issues related to AW.


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