Evaluation of liquid nitrogen and dry ice–alcohol refrigerants for freeze marking three mammal species
Publication Type: |
Journal Article |
Year of Publication: |
1991 |
Authors: |
Clifford G. Rice, Penny Kalk |
Publication/Journal: |
Zoo Biology |
Publisher: |
A Wiley Company, Inc., Wiley Subscription Services |
Keywords: |
cryobranding, dolichotis patagonum, octodon degus, ovis musimon |
1098-2361 |
Abstract 10.1002/zoo.1430100309.abs Degus (Octodon degus), Patagonian cavies (Dolichotis patagonum), and mouflon (Ovis musimon) were freeze marked with instruments refrigerated in liquid nitrogen or a mixture of dry ice and alcohol. The instruments were pressed against the skin of the animal for various trial durations. Recommended exposure durations with dry ice-alcohol refrigerant were: degus—28 sec; cavies—≈ 18 sec (estimated); mouflon—12 sec. While unsatisfactory results were obtained with the liquid nitrogen refrigerant on degus and cavies, an exposure duration of 8 sec was recommended for mouflon. With mouflon, the site of the mark influenced the appropriate exposure duration for both refrigerants. With degus, moderate overexposure resulted in acceptable marks as much of the length of peripheral white hairs was exposed due to the lack of hair in the central bare area. The dry ice-alcohol refrigerant yielded much greater exposure latitude and consistency, indicating its superiority for freeze marking, especially in a zoo setting.