Effects of resource distribution on activity and territory defence in house mice, Mus domesticus

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
Samantha J. Gray, Susanne Plesner Jensen, Jane L. Hurst
Animal Behaviour
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How much an animal invests in defending a territory depends, in part, on the quality, quantity and distribution of resources, but do animals target their investment in defence within the territory according to the location of different resources? We examined whether wild-caught male and female house mice increased aggression towards intruders of the same or opposite sex when in areas containing their food/water or nest site. Pairs of resident mice were established in enclosures consisting of two areas. In split enclosures, food and water were in one area and a nest site in the other, while in clumped enclosures all resources were in one area with no resources in the other. Residents of both sexes were quicker to attack intruders, and were more aggressive, in areas containing resources than in an area containing no resources. There was no difference in aggression between areas containing food/water, a nest site or both. The effect of resources on territorial defence was due largely to changes in aggression against intruders of the opposite sex. Residents, especially males, attacked intruders of their own sex more than those of the opposite sex. This bias was much stronger when no resources were present, owing to low aggression against opposite-sex intruders in the absence of resources. There were no differences in intruder aggression, and the relative size of the intruder (heavier or lighter than the resident) had no effect on resident aggression. Residents also spent less time out of their nest in clumped enclosures owing to low activity in the nonresource area.


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