Behavioural response of zoo-housed Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) to changes in exhibit and social group
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: behaviour, exhibit, group formation, habituation, primates, translocation, welfare
Aggressive behaviour at regrouping is a poor predictor of chronic aggression in stable social groups
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: aggression, cluster analysis, fighting, lesion, pig, social
Behavioural differences between weaner pigs with intact and docked tails
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: abnormal behaviour, animal welfare, intact tail, pigs, tail docking, tail-biting
Consumer attitudes to injurious pecking in free-range egg production
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, consumer attitudes, free-range layers, injurious pecking, management strategies, willingness-to-pay
Qualitative Behaviour Assessment of dogs in the shelter and home environment and relationship with quantitative behaviour assessment and physiological responses
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behavioural expression, canis familiaris, dog, saliva cortisol, shelter
Scientific evaluation of animal emotions: Brief history and recent New Zealand contributions
Publication/Journal: Journal of New Zealand Studies
Keywords: dairy calves, electroencephalographic, fetal, halothane, interdisciplinary, lambs, pain, play-behavior, positive welfare states, rearing substrate, responses, sentience, social sciences
Analysis of the phenotypic link between behavioural traits at mixing and increased long-term social stability in group-housed pigs
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: aggressive behaviour, long-term social behaviour, mixing aggression, pigs, skin lesions
Feed-restricted broiler breeders: State-dependent learning as a novel welfare assessment tool to evaluate their hunger state?
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, broiler breeder, choice test, feed restriction, preference test, state-dependent learning
Age over experience: Consistency of aggression and mounting behaviour in male and female pigs
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: development, individual differences, sex differences, social behaviour, sus scrofa, temperament
Mounting behaviour in finishing pigs: Stable individual differences are not due to dominance or stage of sexual development
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: dominance, mounting behaviour, puberty, sexual behaviour, welfare