Don’t use it? Don’t lose it! Why active use is not required for stimuli, resources or” enrichments” to have welfare value
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: animal welfare, enrichment, zoo
Interrupted Lives: Welfare Considerations in Wildlife Rehabilitation
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, birds, clinical wildlife medicine, marine mammals, sea turtles, urban wildlife, wildlife rehabilitation
Mirror, mirror on the wall… How tank material and the presence of “enrichments” affect competition and agonism in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: aggression, agonism, environmental enrichment, fish welfare, Zebrafish husbandry
Non-invasive measurements of respiration and heart rate across wildlife species using Eulerian Video Magnification of infrared thermal imagery
Publication/Journal: BMC Biology
Keywords: infrered thermal imagery, non-invasive measurements
Quality-of-Life Assessments in Zoo Animals: Not Just for the Aged and Charismatic
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, assessment, decision-making, euthanasia, geriatric, quality of life, zoo animal
Evaluation of the time-activity budgets of captive ducks (Anatidae) compared to wild counterparts
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: activity, behaviour, evidence-based husbandry, pinioning, waterfowl, welfare, wildfowl
Evaluation of the time-activity budgets of captive ducks (Anatidae) compared to wild counterparts
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: activity, behaviour, evidence-based husbandry, pinioning, waterfowl, welfare, wildfowl
The More the Merrier? Zoo Visitors’ Affective Responses and Perceptions of Welfare across an Increase in Giraffe Density
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: affective experience, perceptions of animal welfare, visitor studies, zoos and aquariums
Southern Sea Otter Rehabilitation: Lessons and Impacts from the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: aquarium, collaboration, southern sea otter, surrogacy, wildlife rehabilitation
Assessing the Visitor and Animal Outcomes of a Zoo Encounter and Guided Tour Program with Ambassador Cheetahs
Publication/Journal: Anthrozoös
Keywords: ambassador animal, cheetah, human-animal interaction